Dear New Wings,
I miss you.
I miss you a lot.
I miss the late nights we spent together. I miss the planning and the sketching of ideas, and of that moment where it would all suddenly seem to click. I miss the teas and the midnight snacks. I miss the tap of the keyboard and the smell of ink. I miss the good times and the bad, when you made me smile and made me cry.
I know I haven't looked your way in a long time, but I wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. Even if it seems as though I've pushed you done my priorities list, I haven't. Even if it feels like I've abandoned you, I haven't.
Sometimes we push the things we love the most the furthest away because we know that those things that matter the most will wait for us. I know you'll wait for me.
But I wanted to let you know I miss you. I miss you a lot.
Wait for me.
ReplyDeleteYou shouldn't even feel bad. There was a point where my major project and I were on the rocks for about a year. Come to think of it, we're still barely on speaking terms...D':
Anyway, I'm sure New Wings' patience in waiting for you stretches at least two chopsticks lon--um, I mean, an eternity.